
Michelle Creative Cakes - Custom Design Cakes Denpasar

Welcome to Michelle's delicious cake site...

I Love birthday cakes, I love the taste, and how they ever get so pretty... and Love to make it Special...

We provide you fresh & delicious home made custom cakes, cupcakes & cookies made of high quality ingredients and guaranteed No preservatives

For Denpasar Area only ^^

August 03, 2011


Lagi iseng banget nyobain bikin cookies yg satu ini
Tetep pake resep dari NCC (thanks Bu Fat...GBU) hasilnya memang krenyes2 lembut, kejuuuuu banget, wangi butter, ga nahan deh..hap..hap..hap...(setengah toples masuk perut) ooopss ...


200 gr mentega/butter
100 gr margarine
200 gr keju tua parut
400 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
2 sdm susu bubuk
2 btr kuning telur
Bahan polesan:
2 btr telur
1 sdm cookie glaze (optional)
Taburan : Keju cheddar parut.
Cara membuat:
  1. Kocok mentega dan telur dg kecepatan rendah, sebentar saja, masukkan keju, aduk rata, masukkan tepung terigu, aduk rata.
  2. Tipiskan adonan dengan bantuan plastik lembaran, poles dengan bahan polesan, taburi keju cheddar parut. Potong bentuk stick, tata di loyang. Oven hingga matang. Suhu 120 derajat celcius selama 20 menit.

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